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Does My Pilonidal Cyst Require Treatment?

Does My Pilonidal Cyst Require Treatment?

Pilonidal cysts are common, affecting about 5% of the population at some point. Mild cases can resolve on their own, but if yours is bothersome, recurring, or inflamed, it may be time to seek care. 

At Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC, located in Jackson, Mississippi, our specialists evaluate and treat pilonidal cysts so they stop causing aggravation. Here’s when you should come to see us.

About pilonidal cysts

Pilonidal cysts are pockets in the skin, usually filled with hair and skin debris. They develop near your tailbone at the top of the buttocks. While anyone can develop a pilonidal cyst, men are three to four times more likely to develop one. 

People who are overweight, have thick or rough body hair, or sit all day are extra vulnerable. Truck drivers and office workers often develop the cysts. They present most often in people between puberty and their 40s. 

How do you know you need treatment for a pilonidal cyst?

Despite being generally harmless, pilonidal cysts can become inflamed, causing pain, redness, and swelling. The cysts don’t always cause symptoms, however.

Here are some signs you should have your cyst evaluated:

Persistent pain

If your pilonidal cyst is causing persistent pain or discomfort, it's an indication that you should have it evaluated. The level of discomfort can vary from person to person, but if you’re bothered by your cyst — seek care.


Inflamed and swollen cysts can lead to increased discomfort and potential complications. If you notice significant swelling or redness in the affected area, make an appointment to evaluate your cyst.

Recurrent infections

Pilonidal cysts are prone to infection, which leads to symptoms such as fever, drainage of pus, and worsening pain. If you experience recurrent infections, we may need to remove the cyst to prevent further complications.

Why getting medical care is important

There is a common belief that pilonidal cysts will just go away on their own. This is true in some cases, but if your symptoms persist or worsen, you need professional medical care.

Home remedies aren’t always sufficient in resolving your pilonidal cyst. While warm compresses can ease your symptoms temporarily, they don’t address the source of your cyst. The only reliable way to resolve your cyst is to have it surgically removed. 

Not all pilonidal cysts require surgery. Drainage and antibiotics are examples of effective nonsurgical treatments in some instances. If you have a severe cyst or find it recurs regularly, surgery may be the answer. 

If you have a bothersome pilonidal cyst, make an appointment so we can assess your symptoms and determine the treatment. Early intervention can prevent complications and contribute to a smoother recovery.

Call today or use the online tool to schedule your appointment at Lakeland Surgical Clinic, PLLC.

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